Malkan MINI7 - Semi-Automatic Steam Generator with One Hand Iron 7 Lt
It is 100% safe and does not rust and stain.
Steam smoke is Cr-Ni stainless steel.
Working pressure is 4 bar.
Product Specification
About the Brand - Malkan
Today, over 80.000 customers, 135 expert-engineer and technical staff, providing job opportunities for 800 employees in sub-industry, near 50 representatives in Turkey and over 40 in foreign countries, 150.000 products running in 93 countries on 5 continents, are the numbers that present Malkan as a successful representative of homeland Turkey.
Especially showing up in the competition with European brands by low-price & high quality employee power advantage and first quality raw-material principle in all conditions, Malkan continuously enlarges its market-share domestically and abroad. Malkan is planning to increasingly continue its investments for more quality products and technology in the next-coming term. By this policies , Malkan has aimed to celebrate its 50. foundation anniversary as being the biggest proud of Turkey in Ironing Machinery Manufacturing Industry.
Companies missions is to manufacture industrial garment ironing machines and Adding value to World Textile, Laundry & Dry Cleaning Sectors by Turkish Ironing Machines with World Quality Standards and Competitive Prices.